I didn't have my act together at all this evening, and the Swan Whisperer came in from Ice Dance Club at 8:30 pm and I hadn't even begun to think about supper. In my defence, I had had rather a substantial snack earlier in the day....
So a quick trawl through the fridge yielded this, which really took no more than 7-8 minutes in total:
1 packet lardons
1/2 packet cherry tomatoes
Handful diced cheese (or grated, but I had some diced brought back from France - a mixture of Mimolette and Gruyère. It was nice as it went all stringy, but if you don't like stringy cheese, use Cheddar!)
2 eggs
For the noodles:
1 egg
1/2 cup (125 ml by volume) buckwheat flour (or plain white or wholemeal flour, or even gram flour. Buckwheat and gram flours are gluten-free, so suitable for those with coeliac or similar)
120 ml water
Salt and pepper
Pierce the cherry tomatoes and put them and the lardons into a saucepan and allow to cook gently. Meanwhile put a second pan of salted water on to boil, and make the noodles by mixing the ingredients together to form a smooth paste. It should be more paste-like than batter-like. To make noodles, you really need a potato ricer - I have this one, which I use pretty well daily for mashed potatoes, mashed root vegetables and noodles (it comes with three different discs) and have done for some years now.
Put the paste into the tub of the ricer, using the disc with fewest holes in it, and press the noodles into the boiling water. Bring back to the boil, and allow to cook for one minute. Drain, and add to the saucepan where the lardons and tomatoes will now be cooked. Add cheese, the two eggs and some pepper and stir until the eggs are cooked. Serve at once.
That sounds nice. I must have a go with making the noodles. :)
ReplyDeleteThey are very easy indeed, and very quick and tasty. I find them a little too coarse to substitute for pasta very often, but they can be lovely in soup or, sometimes, with a mince-based dish. And in this case I didn't want to take the time to cook spaghetti, and it worked very well.